What Can Go Wrong In Wedding Planning?

Wedding planning is a stressful task, but it can be fun too. What’s not though is things going south. But how do you know what can go wrong if you don’t even know the things that have the potential to get ruined? Well, here is a list of stuff that can go wrong. We have a feeling that that after reading this, the first you would be doing is to choose the venue and wedding tent rentals.

Things That Can Go Wrong During Wedding Planning

Announcing Your Engagement Early

Getting engaged is elating and exciting, but you don’t want to give in to the excitement of things and announce it right after. This is a special moment for you and your significant other. You need to bask in the happiness of the moment for a bit before announcing it to your friends and family.

Of course, you can share the news with your parents and siblings, but you have to wait it out until you break the news to the rest of the people around you. Most people think of engagements as an automatic sign that you’re planning for your wedding, although that’s not the case at all.

You can start planning whenever you want since it’s your day, so you set the pace for everything. Don’t try to immediately announce something as intimate as an engagement, because you want this moment to be yours for some time before it’s public.

Starting Planning Late

This is one of the biggest mistakes a lot of couples make. They think that they have all the time in the world to plan their wedding and they leave everything for the last minute. This is not what you want to do if you don’t want to be a ball of stress on your wedding day.

You need to give yourself a good 4 to 5 months, even 6, if you want to peacefully plan your wedding. This is important because you’ll have time for everything and you won’t be in a rush or forget anything important.

Not Having A Budget

The next thing, which is something that should go without saying, but unfortunately a lot of people can forget, is the budget. Budget is already an important thing to go over no matter what the event is, but for weddings, it is even more important, because you don’t want to stray off the path, otherwise your wedding will be extremely expensive and haphazard.

This is why setting a budget first and then planning on things based on the amount you’ve allocated is the best approach to go with. You won’t be left with an empty wallet in the end.

Not Having Your Preference

Looking for inspiration is great and all, but what you don’t want to do is have a blank mind when it comes to your wedding. Think about it. You might have something like a dream wedding that you’ve envisioned for a long time.

That’s your creativity and you don’t want to put a damper on it. Try your best to have your preference when it comes to your wedding, because if you go with something that’s already done and over with, then you won’t have fun at all and planning a wedding is supposed to be fun, if you have a vision for it.

Going For Trends

Trends are great and all, but they’re not going to leave an impression like the classics. Classics are timeless for a reason and you need to let go of the obsession with social media and trying to make everything look perfect and modern. This is your wedding and you can make it as you want it to be.

You don’t want to be influenced by trends, just because they’re the hottest things right now and if you don’t include them in your wedding, then it’s not “cool”. The steering wheel is in your hands and you can drive your wedding whichever way you like.

Not Tackling The Dress Issues

Wedding dresses can be just as hard to deal with, as they are beautiful and their issues are longer than any veil you’ve ever seen. There are lots of bits and pieces when it comes to the dress.

Alterations, getting the accessories, and having the dress ready by the time your hitch day rolls around – all of this is very hard to grasp. So, the best thing to do about this situation is to get it done and over with as soon as possible. This is going to tick off one thing from your major wedding to-do list.

Not Choosing Responsible People

Your bridal party is going to have your back while you’re busy promising forever with your significant other. This is why you need to choose people who you know will be there to take the load off you. You need to choose responsible people, especially for the duties of the maid of honor and the bridesmaids.

You can’t just select people because they want to be in your bridal party, but you need to choose people that you know you can rely on when you’re busy and can’t take care of things. Those are the people who will make your wedding a breeze.

Stressing Over Other People’s Opinions

It’s quite natural for you to get caught up in other people’s opinions. They will try to divert you from what you want to do, and honestly, that’s the last thing you need when you’re already elbows deep in wedding planning. You want to respect their opinions, but it’s certainly not a rule of thumb that you should do everything people throw at you.

This is your wedding and you can do whatever you want. If you want an intimate wedding with no traditions, then so be it. No one should taint this exhilarating experience for you.


It’s your wedding and you’re very excited and nervous. But what you don’t want to do is overshare a lot of details when it comes to your wedding and how the planning is going. You want to keep everything vague and slightly mysterious.

You can tell your family about it, but other than that, you want to keep the surprise for the actual day, because it’s one less thing that you need to deal with, when opinions are being thrown your way, left, right, and center. Relax and enjoy your wedding planning to the max.

Not Researching About Vendors

You want to do a lot of research when choosing vendors. A lot of the time, people can choose vendors based on the price, and that can be a huge mistake. You don’t just want to go for the price. You need to see if their services are any better and if they have satisfactory client reviews.

This is why you want to research vendors before narrowing a couple down. The rest is up to the vendors to show up and do what they have to do to satisfy you.


These things are more common than you would want so you need to take care of these things if you want your wedding planning, and ultimately your wedding ceremony and reception, to go smoothly. So, if you haven’t already, buy the things you need and book the things you need to hire and don’t forget to check out wedding tent rental packages Frederick early on to choose the one that suits your budget.