Keeping Healthy While Remote Working

The pandemic has greatly affected a lot of businesses around the world, including the events industry. This includes party rentals, staging and dance floor rentals, wedding rental packages, and other events-related businesses. But in the past couple of months, businesses can find ways to resume operations in the middle of the pandemic. One of which is by operating their business remotely.

Working in the comfort of your like home seems a dream come true for most employees. But in reality, it’s not always that case. It’s almost always the same case as working as an office-based employee – except that you are not in an actual office. Still, there are a lot of things you need to consider while working or operating a business remotely.

Profitability vs. Well-Being

Businesses are meant to serve their customers’ needs, provide jobs, and to be profitable. But the business landscape changed when COVID-19 happened. A lot of businesses are somehow able to survive, but there are others that didn’t. The events industry, including corporate tent rentals, is one of those that are greatly affected by the pandemic.

Fortunately, a lot of business owners are able to find ways to resume operations despite the ongoing pandemic. For example, some event organizers opted to utilize technology to hold events online. Some music concerts are done virtually by popular musicians and turned out to be successful. Work at home became more mainstream thanks (or no thanks?) to the pandemic.

But more than a business’s profitability, the more important question is the employees’ mental well-being. Research from Gallup revealed the 5 important elements of a person’s wellbeing: physical, community, financial, social, and career. These elements should work together to ensure a productive and worthwhile job performance.

Unfortunately, the same study also revealed that only one in 14 employees in the US thrive in all of these elements. As mentioned, working at home seems to be the dream for all workers. However, it is not as heavenly as you think it is. In fact, business owners and leaders should be more vigilant of their workers, especially of their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

How business owners can boost employees’ wellbeing

If you own table and chair rentals or event rentals business and are able to survive this pandemic, good for you. As a business owner, that would be a huge sigh of relief. But have you thanked your employees for helping you weather the storm?

At this point, business owners and employees should work together to keep the business going. Working at home can be isolating, anxiety-inducing even. Even introverted people need some actual human interaction from time to time. That is why staying connected is crucial at this time.

There’s Skype, Facebook Messenger, Zoom, Slack, and other communication tools to connect with your coworkers. These are commonly used for work, but can also be used to check on each other’s wellbeing and interests outside the office. Business owners should also encourage and guide workers who need time adjusting to the new normal of remote working.

Business owners should also encourage their employees to stay active even at home. It can also be tempting to work long hours and stay seated for long hours because everyone’s at home. Perhaps create engaging activities that will promote better work-life balance. As much as possible, no work on weekends but keep communication lines open in case of emergencies.

How employees stay healthy as remote workers

Employees should also do their part to ensure a sustainable and productive work at home setting. Here are tips you can do as a productive employee.

  • Feel free to take breaks. Relax, stretch, drink coffee for a few minutes to avoid getting burned out, and increase productivity.
  • Try meditating. It can lessen stress levels and anxiety, and get rid of negative thinking.
  • Try getting a new hobby outside work. Instead of scrolling through social media after work (which usually contains fake news and other negative stuff), you can dabble with painting, solving puzzles, or even play charades with coworkers online.
  • Pay attention to your workspace. Make sure to work in a conducive space that will help improve productivity. Invest in a nice desk and decorate your workspace.


Remote working is a major adjustment for everyone, both business owners and employees. It can be a blessing or a curse, depending on how you can make the most out of this “new normal” of work setup. Whether you own event rentals in Maryland or any other kinds of business, everyone should work together to ensure a successful business outcome despite these uncertain times.