Here’s How To Throw A Festival-Themed Party

Now that the weather is getting warmer and parties are becoming a staple, it’s only fitting that you throw a festival-themed party for your friends and family. But you need planning and help from your friends and party tent rentals. Read this guide to know more.

Hosting A Festival-Themed Party

Choose The Festival Theme

First things first, you need an idea of which festival will be your party theme. There are a lot of festivals to choose from. If you’re in the mood for some music, then a music festival theme is perfect. Coachella, folk music festivals, and even other genres of music have festival themes that you can go for.

If music is not your thing and you like to immerse yourself in culture, then Cinco de Mayo or Day of the Dead, which is a Mexican festival honoring the dead, could be an option.

These festivals also have unique dress codes that you can play around with. Lastly, you can also make your party imitate Chinese or Japanese festival themes and those are a treat for the soul as they are for the eyes.

The Location

Now that the theme is out of the way and dealt with, the next thing you need to fret over is the venue of the party. The venue and its size depend on how many people are going to be there. You need to go over your guest list first and figure out whether you want to host your party at home or at a designated venue.

If more than 40 people are invited, then you need to switch to an elaborate venue. You can find many amazing venues that will accommodate your party, and there might even be good deals that you can bag like free refreshments, discounts on décor, and more.

Venues are pretty easy to manage when you’re hosting parties because there will be vendors to take care of all the stuff for you while you get down to planning the fun stuff and enjoying the party to the max.

Pick A Day

Believe it or not, your festival-themed party doesn’t need to be held on the same day as said festival. Usually, festival dates are pretty packed and you’re probably going to have a nightmarish experience if you try to get your party squeezed in on one of these dates.

The best way to go about it is to have the party two to three days or a week before or after the festival. In this way, you can relive the festival once again and you won’t have to worry about traffic, bustling crowds, and people not being able to reach the party, so it will all be good.

Don’t Forget The Guest List

Now that you have most of the party planned and ready to go, it’s time to work on that guest list. Of course, your friends and family will be invited, but it’s easier to write all of the names down on a list because you’re sure to forget important people if you’re remembering them off the top of your head.

Make a master guest list and then you can filter out or add people as you go. Make sure that you have a number to know when to stop because you need to stick to a budget.

The Right Ambiance

Every festival has its specific aura that it exudes and you need to capture that in your décor if you want the party to look like a mirror image of the festival. This is where the internet can help you out a ton.

If you don’t know anything about decorating for festival-themed parties, then you can hop on over to the internet and find inspiration. You want to get as creative as possible when you’re looking for inspiration pictures because you want your party to scream the festival’s theme in every way.

There’s no such thing as “too much” in this tip. Go as extravagant as you want and you’ll love it in the end.

Food & Drinks

Next, you can’t possibly forget about the most important thing of any party. The food! While you want to plan a menu for the party, one thing that will make your festival-themed party from nothing to something is catering the menu to the festival theme. This is where you can, again, take inspiration from the internet.

Of course, no one fully knows what types of foods are eaten at festivals, so you can research and find some top foods that are crowd-pleasers and easy to whip up. You can also make drinks according to the theme and give them cool names.

Theme-Appropriate Entertainment

A party without entertainment? That’s even worse than boredom. You need entertainment for the party otherwise the guests will rot on the couches because there’s nothing to do. Well, you don’t want to be that host whose party was a total bust, so make entertainment and activities a priority.

Try to include activities for kids and adults alike and if you can, come up with games that will add to the theme of the festival. It’s going to take your party to the next level.

Have An Action Plan

Parties might seem pretty random, but they usually have an action plan. An action plan is a virtual plan to see how the party will unfold from start to finish.

It has all of the details like when the party will start, when can you expect the guests to flock in, when the entertainment will begin, the food will be served, any other special activities that need to be squeezed in, and lastly when the party will end and everyone will go home. This is important to know because you want to know the flow of the party.

Arrange Photography

No party is complete without a bit, or a lot, of photos. Photos are a great way to look back on the day, relive the memories and even have a good chuckle. If you have someone in your friend group who’s great with the lens, then you can totally ask them to cover the party for you.

If you’re not so lucky, then you can get professional photographers for the occasion. It might seem like an extravagant thing to do, but it’s a festival-themed party and everything is fair in fun and parties as long as you have the budget for it.

Decide On The Dress Code

You didn’t forget about the dress code, did you? You can’t expect people to attend a festival-themed party without the appropriate attire. It only adds to the drama and fun of it all. Therefore, make sure to mention the dress code on the invitations, so that the guests have a lot of time to prep for the party beforehand. This is going to be so much fun and it’ll be a party to remember. It’s all about the effort and creativity you put in to make a party fun.


Festival-themed parties are so much more fun than regular ones because there’s that element of uniqueness to them that everyone loves. So, when are you hosting yours? If you want to host an outdoor festival-themed party, don’t forget to get in touch with outdoor party rentals Northern VA.